Thank your for visiting our adoption blog! Please take a few moments and get to know us by viewing the various posts and pages.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Light Tour

This weekend we got to take in our annual tour of Christmas lights around the city.  This year however, instead of wandering aimlessly around the well-to-do neighborhoods, we found a website that did all the hard work for us!  It mapped out all the best displays and we only got about half of them conquered!  It was tons of fun driving around with our thermos of hot cocoa and singing with the Christmas music with our pals.  So many fun things to keep us entertained this time of year!

One of my personal favorites!  Everyone needs a Christmas pig!

Brandon and Eric were a little tired of waiting in line . . .  : )

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Meeting Minnie's Momma

The title of this post probably sounds more exciting than it really is since this is an adoption blog.  Sorry about that.  This post is in reference to a previous one about a tiny little opossum baby we found in the back yard earlier this year.

Last night the dogs were out back doing their thing while I was making brownies.  "Their thing" is barking at leaves blowing across the yard or whatever else strikes their fancy.  Usually it is Sammy that enjoys this pastime, but last night I knew something was different because it was Bianca raising all the commotion.  (Then up from the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my kitchen to see what was the matter - ha!)  What I found when I went out was that they had "fenced" baby's momma on our fence and really wanted her to come down.  She was big!  I tried to get a picture, but I was afraid of getting too close.  After Brandon got home we kept an eye on her and apparently she lives under the house behind us.  Looks like it's time to visit Operation Wildlife again!  I'm not taking this one this time!  He gets to deal with that excitement!

Monday, November 29, 2010

And the tree is up!

Now on to the rest of the house!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Days go by . . .

Quickly!  Where did that month go?  Oh - I know!  This was my busiest month at the MS Society because it was Traveling Turkeys time.  The program doubled in size this year and we were able to give over 160 Thanksgiving meals to people with MS and their families.  Not only that, but I also had around 30 volunteers who delivered them as well!  It was a lot to coordinate, but so incredibly worth it.

To finish October we enjoyed time with friends and competed in pumpkin decorating competition at my office.  I had a bit of a reputation after last year's Charlie Brown Christmas tree made from a paper bag, so it was hard to live up to the hype.  I went a little more low key this year and we simply carved the little pumpkin into the skeleton head for a cute little stand I found.  I say "we", but Brandon totally did all the work because the pumpkin was so thick we had to get out the Dremel tool.  I had pumpkin shavings everywhere! (But it looked awesome and we were the only ones who actually achieved a pumpkin carving!)
Brandon loves power tools!
Brandon also began some demolition work on the kitchen to prepare for new countertops and backsplash.  He loves demo . . . as evidenced by previous picture's hole in the wall and this sledge hammer.

A few ear warmers I created for the show
I did a couple of craft shows in early November and took some sewing and knitting classes too.  I think I'm hooked on both, so we'll have to find a place and some time for these new hobbies in the craft department.  I'm afraid I'm going to need to do a craft-supply-clean-out before I take over the basement.

A holiday-time tradition that I always enjoy is going to the train station here and seeing the Christmas trees that are on display.  A local charity organizes the event as a silent auction and you can bid on the one you would like to take home.  It's amazing to see all the different themes that people choose.  This was one of our favorites because Brandon started our Christmas village collection as part of my gifts last year and we plan to add one every year.  We were trying to figure out how we could make it to display them (surprise, surprise)!

We just got back from Thanksgiving with my family and of course all the pictures are on my Mom's camera.  I'll have to get her to send them to me so I can share!  It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!  Now - on to setting up that tree . . .

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Interview Time

We drove over to Manhattan yesterday afternoon for our interview with Life Choice.  It was a great experience and she really helped us understand their process.  I am really looking forward to working with them and you can tell that they are really passionate about what they do.  Their average wait for an adoptive family is 1-1.5 years, but she cautioned us that our profile could also be the next one to be chosen.  You just never know!

We also got the opportunity to catch up with some of my college professors before we left town and it was so good to see them.  They are amazing about remembering people and details and staying in touch.  Brandon commented about how fortunate I was to have such a wonderful couple behind me as I got my education.  I sincerely agreed!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

More Nursery Progress

As we've mentioned before, Brandon and I have been slowly working on the baby's nursery for a while.  We've painted and purchased the crib and now his Mom is helping me learn to sew while we make the bedding.  It seems that locating gender-neutral bedding in the stores means that you are either getting safari animals or ABC's and neither of those went with our color scheme!  So far, I've made a fitted sheet, bed skirt, organizer, and diaper stacker.  Only the bumpers and quilt left to go!

We also sent off our final paperwork to LifeChoice Ministries in Manhattan to be put on their list of adoptive parents!  We go in for an interview in the next couple of weeks and then they can match us with a birth family if one chooses us.  Please send lots of prayers!  :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


We know it's officially fall when it's time for cider donuts at the Ciderfest!  This year we enjoyed our donuts and the corn maze with good friends on a lovely, sunny October day.  There were tons of kids there crawling all over the pumpkins and hay bales and I couldn't help but think how much fun it will be to take pictures of our little ones in the pumpkin patch and watch them navigate the corn maze someday.  It was great to see so many families enjoying quality time together!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome Fall

Where did this month go?  :)  Once we got back from Colorado, it seems like the days just snuck by us.  Things have been pretty quiet this month and I suppose that's a nice thing.  I always look forward to summer, but it seems like we are always so busy in our attempts to cram something into every sunshine-filled day.  Fall brings thoughts of family holidays, festivals and comfort food.  I'm looking forward to hot chocolate and soup again!

We are wrapping up the application and health screening paperwork for Life Choice Ministries in Manhattan, KS.  If our application is approved, our profile will become one of the options they have to show birthparents when they are deciding on a family to adopt their child.  They have been such a pleasure to work with and I am hopeful that this has potential to be the avenue by which we find our little one.

We have been so blessed by the kind words and prayers of our friends and family.  It seems that just when things start to look bleak we get a little note or message that reminds us we are not alone in this journey and that there are lots and lots of people praying our baby home.  God bless and Happy Fall!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Beautiful Colorado

We officially had our first big camping expedition with the pop-up and it was a great success!  I was a little nervous about booking a campsite in a place we'd never seen - didn't want to be sandwiched into a lot with no trees and a hundred big RV's.  We found one online in Manitou Springs with good reviews close to everything we wanted to explore and it was great!

Day One took us to the Commonwheel Arts and Crafts Festival and the lovely Miramont Castle. You went in on street level on the first floor and came out on street level on the fourth floor because it was anchored into the mountain.  Such a beautiful place - they don't build them like that anymore!
Miramont Castle
Next up we visited the Garden of the Gods.  I think this is absolutely one of the most beautiful places.  We spent the whole afternoon and evening hiking and climbing on every big rock that had a toe hold!  I just had so many pictures!  Hard to choose a few!
Can you see the rock climbers sitting on top of the one on the left?
Brandon's version of rock climbing.  Wait!  Is that a jackalope in your backpack?

Now off to Day Two and Pikes Peak!  It wasn't until this day that I realized I was "stupid scared" of driving up the edge of those mountain roads.  Brandon said it was worth the $22 just to watch me freak out.  Strangely enough, going down wasn't a problem! Next time we're going to hike up though!

Geez that was high!  The pictures just don't do it justice!
And a little Air Force Academy visit to round out the day!

I wish we would have had at least one more day, but alas, work and two small dogs beckon us home.

We'll be back - Davis still has more hiking to do!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend Fun

We're off on an exciting adventure with our new camper. Brandon and his Dad spent the weekend getting her all tuned up.  The dogs think it's their new deluxe travel crate, but I'm okay with that.  I think it needs a name - any suggestions?

This photo brought to you courtesy of a grilled cheese sandwich.  Aren't they cute?  :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

A totally glorious day

We finally got a break from all of the heat this weekend and Sunday was so gorgeous that I vowed to spend as much of it outdoors as possible.  I did a pretty good job by starting the day reading on the back deck, then later a friend and I sat in the front yard in our lawnchairs and supervised the boys' landscaping efforts, then we rounded out the day grilling and enjoying dinner on the deck as the sun sank.  Thank you Lord for beautiful days spent with friends!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ha Ha Tonka

Brandon let me talk him into going on an adventure last weekend to Ha Ha Tonka State Park at the Lake of the Ozarks.  I'd seen pictures of the castle ruins there and been wanting to go hiking for a while and we finally just decided to take a day and go since we were already at the lake house anyway.  It was BEAUTIFUL!

This is the beautiful spring that feeds into the lake.  We were standing at the castle ruins admiring the breathtaking view from the front drive.

Making our way down all 316 stairs to the spring at the bottom!  You can see them drop down behind us!

Brandon next to the crystal-clear water where the spring comes rushing from underground caves.

 Looking back at the castle ruins from the bottom

And introducing the Peterson Family Mascot!
We had been thinking for a while about getting a sidekick that could easily fit into a suitcase and join us on our adventures - taking advantage of fun photo opportunities along the way. When we saw this very unique store we thought that we just might find something silly and fun enough to hold the title and represent us well.  We found success in our little jackalope friend who now has a place in our photos and our hearts.  In honor of the crazy store we found him in, please welcome our new friend, Davis.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Before the Morning

 I was spending a lazy day reading on the couch Saturday and this song came on the radio.  I don't think I've ever really listened to the words before, but they struck me that day and gave me a sense of peace about where we are in this journey.  I wanted to share them in case they minister to you too.

Before the Morning by Josh Wilson

Do you wonder why you have to,
feel the things that hurt you,
if there's a God who loves you,
where is He now?

Maybe, there are things you can't see
and all those things are happening
to bring a better ending
some day, some how, you'll see, you'll see

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
that you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
can't compare to the joy that's coming

so hold on, you got to wait for the light
press on, just fight the good fight
because the pain you've been feeling,
it's just the dark before the morning

My friend, you know how this all ends
and you know where you're going,
you just don't know how you get there
so just say a prayer.

And hold on, cause there's good for those who love God,
life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time,
but you'll see the bigger picture

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
that you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
can't compare to the joy that's coming

so hold on, you got to wait for the light
press on, just fight the good fight
because the pain you've been feeling,
it's just the dark before the morning

Once you feel the way of glory,
all your pain will fade to memory
once you feel the way of glory,
all your pain will fade to memory

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
that you still have a reason to sing,
'cause the pain you've been feeling,
can't compare to the joy that's coming

Monday, July 19, 2010

Family Time

I had a lovely time with my Mom and brother last weekend.  It's so nice to to spend time with family and be surrounded by their love.  We spent the day on Saturday taking in some of the sights in our charming city - including the Nelson Atkins Art Museum.  There was a photography exhibit about the early days of Egyptian exploration that I wanted to see before it was done and then we also got to view the new permanent Egyptian exhibit.  My Mom hasn't been to the Nelson yet during her visits here and it turns out she's a lot like me in thinking the building is just as impressive as the art inside it.  I think I also got my interest in Egypt from her if the truth was known!

Then we met up with my brother and took in the movie "Despicable Me" in 3D.  It was such a cute flick - love those little minions!  And it of course has an adoption theme which is such a fun thing about my life right now.  There are so many songs, movies, bible verses, and books that remind me about the joy of this process and before we got started I think I might have totally overlooked them.  Now I get to experience these moments with the joy and anticipation of someone who at least partially understands the journey.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wrapping up the Vacation

I have to say that it's nice to be home.  We spent some time in Manhattan this weekend for a reunion and visited Life Choice Ministries while we were there.  I had to chuckle when I realized that it is the crisis pregnancy center that my apartment was directly over the top of when I was a senior at K-State.  My how life comes full-circle!  We have to fill out more applications and have an interview and then if all that goes well, it will be another place where birthparents can find our profile.  We are also celebrating with another couple from our adoption small-group who have been chosen as parents this week.  God is good!

I came home to some happy little veggies growing in the garden too.  I decided to pull all the carrots and go another round with new potatoes.  My last plant got destroyed by rollie-pollies.  Who knew they were such vicious little creatures?  And hungry too!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We spent our 4th of July this year on Lake Michigan with Brandon's cousin and her husband.  It was such a great trip and we spent our days soaking up the sun and learning about life on a sailboat.  Brittney and Dave own a boat and keep it at the harbor in Racine, Wisconsin.  We slept on the boat and Janell had her first sailing experience.  The water there is so clear and blue - and COLD!

We made great friends at the dock party on the holiday and reconnected with family.  The girls left to get fries and ice cream that evening and returned to find the boys creating what is now fondly referred to as "The Sparkler Torch".  Imagine around 150 sparklers duct-taped to a broom handle and you've got an idea of what this creation looked like.  Always an adventure with the Petersons!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wondering about Miss Minnie

We found this little opossum in our backyard on Sunday.  She was so tiny and cute, so we put her in a cardboard box with an old t-shirt and she snuggled right up and went to sleep for the rest of the evening and night.  I was worried about her because opossums hardly ever come out in the day and she was too little to be away from her momma.  She had to be really hungry to come out of her hiding place!  I took her in to Operation Wildlife the next morning and they showed me that she was a "she" by showing me her little pouch where her babies will live someday.  Too funny!  I've been wondering about her and how she's doing today.  Good luck little Minnie!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pampered Chef launch party!

Last night was the first cooking show for my new Pampered Chef business.  We had so much fun and I'm really looking forward to doing this since I already love to cook so much!  It's going to be a big month with all of my first shows and our vacations, but I'm ready for the challenge!

I think this is going to be a great way for me to get some grown-up time and contribute to our family budget while still working it in around the things that are most important to me when the baby comes.  Here's to more successful shows!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A lovely weekend

There are times when it's just nice to be at home.  While we had originally intended to make a trip to the lake this weekend, I asked Brandon if he would mind terribly if we just stayed here instead.  It's so nice to work on things around the house, do a little cleaning and laundry, and just feel caught up with everything for a change!  I was reminded today at how grateful I am for our church and the way that they support and encourage us.  As we drove home from having lunch with a new couple that we met in Sunday School, I realized that I miss our class when we're not there.  We are surrounded by great people and great teachings and it's wonderful to have a joyful attitude about going to church on Sunday - looking forward to it even.  We realized today how our class really has an amazing legacy of adoption.  As we talked about prayer requests the teacher asked about our progress and suddenly one of the guys pipes up and says "I'm adopted" and then another says "Me too" and tells his story.  Another couple has a five-year old daughter from the Philippines and one has recently adopted his wife's children from a previous marriage.  What a wonderful way to learn about what it means to have adoption as part of your life story.  Just talk to those around you!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Signed, sealed, delivered . . .

I'm about to put the last big item in the mail today to the adoption attorney! Saying a big prayer over the envelope and sealing it with love. Let the waiting begin - and our lessons from the Lord on patience!

Friday, June 18, 2010

On our way!

The profile is up and running on the "Dear Birthparents" page and we got our finalized home study back yesterday!  We're on our way!  Now we're going to the lake to relax and gear up for the task of finishing up the nursery.  :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Profile is AWESOME!

We got our birthparent letter and profile today from my friend Josh.  He is an incredibly talented marketing and graphic design guy who took all of our words and favorite pictures and turned them into something truly lovely.  I can't wait to take it on down to the copy shop and get lots of copies made.  Then we'll send it out to the world and wait for just the right birth family to find us.  It will be exciting just to know that the possibility exists for someone to look at it and choose us!  Eventually, I'm hoping I can figure out how to post a link to it on this site so it can also be downloaded from here.  Have to call in tech support . . .

Friday, June 11, 2010

Baby Room in Progress!

Brandon and I have pulled down the wallpaper, painted our tails off, and now he's putting the trim up in the baby room.  Hooray!  The colorful accent wall turned out really great.  It was fun to peel the tape off and see our vision become a reality.  The colors are good for a boy or girl and of course we had to incorporate some K-State purple!  Now I need to finish redoing the dresser and glider rocker and start looking for a crib!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


We're finally in the last stages of pulling together details for our adoption! Today, I've started creating the blog page that will be an easy resource for us to share with friends and family. Our wonderful friends are helping us with creating the profile that will go to our adoption lawyer for birth parents to see. Then it will really begin to feel like this could happen someday soon!