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Monday, November 29, 2010

And the tree is up!

Now on to the rest of the house!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Days go by . . .

Quickly!  Where did that month go?  Oh - I know!  This was my busiest month at the MS Society because it was Traveling Turkeys time.  The program doubled in size this year and we were able to give over 160 Thanksgiving meals to people with MS and their families.  Not only that, but I also had around 30 volunteers who delivered them as well!  It was a lot to coordinate, but so incredibly worth it.

To finish October we enjoyed time with friends and competed in pumpkin decorating competition at my office.  I had a bit of a reputation after last year's Charlie Brown Christmas tree made from a paper bag, so it was hard to live up to the hype.  I went a little more low key this year and we simply carved the little pumpkin into the skeleton head for a cute little stand I found.  I say "we", but Brandon totally did all the work because the pumpkin was so thick we had to get out the Dremel tool.  I had pumpkin shavings everywhere! (But it looked awesome and we were the only ones who actually achieved a pumpkin carving!)
Brandon loves power tools!
Brandon also began some demolition work on the kitchen to prepare for new countertops and backsplash.  He loves demo . . . as evidenced by previous picture's hole in the wall and this sledge hammer.

A few ear warmers I created for the show
I did a couple of craft shows in early November and took some sewing and knitting classes too.  I think I'm hooked on both, so we'll have to find a place and some time for these new hobbies in the craft department.  I'm afraid I'm going to need to do a craft-supply-clean-out before I take over the basement.

A holiday-time tradition that I always enjoy is going to the train station here and seeing the Christmas trees that are on display.  A local charity organizes the event as a silent auction and you can bid on the one you would like to take home.  It's amazing to see all the different themes that people choose.  This was one of our favorites because Brandon started our Christmas village collection as part of my gifts last year and we plan to add one every year.  We were trying to figure out how we could make it to display them (surprise, surprise)!

We just got back from Thanksgiving with my family and of course all the pictures are on my Mom's camera.  I'll have to get her to send them to me so I can share!  It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!  Now - on to setting up that tree . . .