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Sunday, May 8, 2011

All the little blessings

This has been a week that has continually affirmed God's plan and his hand on our lives.  It all started last week when we went to the Royals game with D & S.  On the way, S (baby's birthfather) asked what we had been learning about in church that day.  I replied that we were studying Matthew 7 in our class.  He responded that there was a verse in Matthew 7 that he really liked, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened."  Brandon and I were a bit taken aback and replied with a bit of awe that this was the very verse we had been discussing that morning.  I felt like the Lord was telling us, "I'm here and I'm in this with you."

On Friday, I had the pleasure of spending the evening at the mall with D.  We talked about so many things both related and unrelated to the adoption.  I learned about her love of candles and her favorite scent at Bath & Body Works, her childhood pets, her favorite Disney movie, the things that she enjoys cooking, etc., etc.  It was such a special time for me to continue to build relationship with this woman who is carrying the child she intends for us to raise.  When we took a moment to sit, I mentioned how this weekend presented a unique holiday experience for the two of us.  She agreed and said, "You must be so excited!"  It allowed me to further realize that perhaps maybe I could be.  We also talked about how she planned to handle naming the baby, to which she replied "I thought you would probably name him - he's yours"!

Today is the first time I have attended a Mother's Day church service in at least two years.  The first one I attended after we realized we were having difficulty getting pregnant blind-sided me, and I felt I needed to avoid them out of self-preservation after that.  This year, we are the closest we have ever been to our dream of being parents and for today, I'm going to allow myself to enjoy it.  D even called this morning to leave me a message and started with "Happy Mother's Day!  Well, almost anyway . . . "  Yes, she's right.  It is a happy mother's day.


  1. Crying! Happy tears for you! I am so glad that you and B are giving this to God. He is with you through this. The little things that happen are all in Gods plan! Love you friend, and Happy "almost" Mothers Day to you. (((HUGS)))

  2. Such an exciting time for you and Brandon - and such a blessing. We are praying hard for this journey and for everything to fall into place smoothly for everyone involved, congrats again!
