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Friday, June 18, 2010

On our way!

The profile is up and running on the "Dear Birthparents" page and we got our finalized home study back yesterday!  We're on our way!  Now we're going to the lake to relax and gear up for the task of finishing up the nursery.  :)


  1. Brandon and Janell,
    This is an awesome blog. I feel God's hand in this journey as I read it page by page.
    The birthparent that chooses the two of you as the adoptive parents that are to raise their child may rest in the assurance that their child will be raised in a loving, nurturing home. He/She will be one very blessed child.
    God chooses which child to place with which parents. This is done through biology and through adoption. Either way, God is in control of the child's future. In following God's will for your lives, you will soon be blessed with the child He has specifically chosen for the two of you to love and call your own.
    What an exciting journey you are on. I am blessed to be part of your journey if only peripherally!
    Lori Allee
