Thank your for visiting our adoption blog! Please take a few moments and get to know us by viewing the various posts and pages.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wondering about Miss Minnie

We found this little opossum in our backyard on Sunday.  She was so tiny and cute, so we put her in a cardboard box with an old t-shirt and she snuggled right up and went to sleep for the rest of the evening and night.  I was worried about her because opossums hardly ever come out in the day and she was too little to be away from her momma.  She had to be really hungry to come out of her hiding place!  I took her in to Operation Wildlife the next morning and they showed me that she was a "she" by showing me her little pouch where her babies will live someday.  Too funny!  I've been wondering about her and how she's doing today.  Good luck little Minnie!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pampered Chef launch party!

Last night was the first cooking show for my new Pampered Chef business.  We had so much fun and I'm really looking forward to doing this since I already love to cook so much!  It's going to be a big month with all of my first shows and our vacations, but I'm ready for the challenge!

I think this is going to be a great way for me to get some grown-up time and contribute to our family budget while still working it in around the things that are most important to me when the baby comes.  Here's to more successful shows!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A lovely weekend

There are times when it's just nice to be at home.  While we had originally intended to make a trip to the lake this weekend, I asked Brandon if he would mind terribly if we just stayed here instead.  It's so nice to work on things around the house, do a little cleaning and laundry, and just feel caught up with everything for a change!  I was reminded today at how grateful I am for our church and the way that they support and encourage us.  As we drove home from having lunch with a new couple that we met in Sunday School, I realized that I miss our class when we're not there.  We are surrounded by great people and great teachings and it's wonderful to have a joyful attitude about going to church on Sunday - looking forward to it even.  We realized today how our class really has an amazing legacy of adoption.  As we talked about prayer requests the teacher asked about our progress and suddenly one of the guys pipes up and says "I'm adopted" and then another says "Me too" and tells his story.  Another couple has a five-year old daughter from the Philippines and one has recently adopted his wife's children from a previous marriage.  What a wonderful way to learn about what it means to have adoption as part of your life story.  Just talk to those around you!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Signed, sealed, delivered . . .

I'm about to put the last big item in the mail today to the adoption attorney! Saying a big prayer over the envelope and sealing it with love. Let the waiting begin - and our lessons from the Lord on patience!

Friday, June 18, 2010

On our way!

The profile is up and running on the "Dear Birthparents" page and we got our finalized home study back yesterday!  We're on our way!  Now we're going to the lake to relax and gear up for the task of finishing up the nursery.  :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Profile is AWESOME!

We got our birthparent letter and profile today from my friend Josh.  He is an incredibly talented marketing and graphic design guy who took all of our words and favorite pictures and turned them into something truly lovely.  I can't wait to take it on down to the copy shop and get lots of copies made.  Then we'll send it out to the world and wait for just the right birth family to find us.  It will be exciting just to know that the possibility exists for someone to look at it and choose us!  Eventually, I'm hoping I can figure out how to post a link to it on this site so it can also be downloaded from here.  Have to call in tech support . . .

Friday, June 11, 2010

Baby Room in Progress!

Brandon and I have pulled down the wallpaper, painted our tails off, and now he's putting the trim up in the baby room.  Hooray!  The colorful accent wall turned out really great.  It was fun to peel the tape off and see our vision become a reality.  The colors are good for a boy or girl and of course we had to incorporate some K-State purple!  Now I need to finish redoing the dresser and glider rocker and start looking for a crib!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


We're finally in the last stages of pulling together details for our adoption! Today, I've started creating the blog page that will be an easy resource for us to share with friends and family. Our wonderful friends are helping us with creating the profile that will go to our adoption lawyer for birth parents to see. Then it will really begin to feel like this could happen someday soon!