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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Interview Time

We drove over to Manhattan yesterday afternoon for our interview with Life Choice.  It was a great experience and she really helped us understand their process.  I am really looking forward to working with them and you can tell that they are really passionate about what they do.  Their average wait for an adoptive family is 1-1.5 years, but she cautioned us that our profile could also be the next one to be chosen.  You just never know!

We also got the opportunity to catch up with some of my college professors before we left town and it was so good to see them.  They are amazing about remembering people and details and staying in touch.  Brandon commented about how fortunate I was to have such a wonderful couple behind me as I got my education.  I sincerely agreed!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

More Nursery Progress

As we've mentioned before, Brandon and I have been slowly working on the baby's nursery for a while.  We've painted and purchased the crib and now his Mom is helping me learn to sew while we make the bedding.  It seems that locating gender-neutral bedding in the stores means that you are either getting safari animals or ABC's and neither of those went with our color scheme!  So far, I've made a fitted sheet, bed skirt, organizer, and diaper stacker.  Only the bumpers and quilt left to go!

We also sent off our final paperwork to LifeChoice Ministries in Manhattan to be put on their list of adoptive parents!  We go in for an interview in the next couple of weeks and then they can match us with a birth family if one chooses us.  Please send lots of prayers!  :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


We know it's officially fall when it's time for cider donuts at the Ciderfest!  This year we enjoyed our donuts and the corn maze with good friends on a lovely, sunny October day.  There were tons of kids there crawling all over the pumpkins and hay bales and I couldn't help but think how much fun it will be to take pictures of our little ones in the pumpkin patch and watch them navigate the corn maze someday.  It was great to see so many families enjoying quality time together!