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Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Latest

I have lots to share with you all today!  I suppose that likely means that I should be posting more often, but hey, in order to have things to write about you have to get off of the computer and experience them right?

We've been working on finishing touches for the nursery and starting baby registries and trying not to get too excited over the last couple of weeks.  All that sort of flew out the window on Thursday night when we realized how truly unprepared we were.  D called us and said she had been having contractions all day and ended up at the hospital that night.  We went up, but it turned out to be a false alarm.  On one hand, I'm glad because it was sort of a wake-up call for us to really get ready.  On the other hand (which definitely has the winning edge), I'm bummed because it felt like we were so close to finally welcoming home our child.  Sigh.

So now we are officially less than 2 weeks from the due date and her body is apparently getting ready for the big day.  Also, there is some comfort in knowing that they called us right away when these things were happening.  It was a good thing to share in that with them.

Now, here is something we've all been waiting for . . . it's a boy!!!  No - I'm just kidding.  You all knew that.  Even better though - here's his adorable face!

They had a 3D ultrasound done at the end of May and we were able to get our hands on the pictures!  I told Brandon last night as I looked at one that I've placed on my nightstand how much I want to allow myself to fall in love with that little face, and yet how scared I am that I will get my heart broken if I do.  Oh, how we long for the day when we'll meet him in person!

I also finished the bulk of my sewing for the nursery today!  Hooray!  Brandon has been making frames for the letters of baby's name that will have the colors on the opposite wall as their background.  There are as many letters as there are colors so it worked perfectly (today's name clue!).  We also created a light fixture for the corner with some Japanese lanterns that turned out pretty cute.  I think I'm going to wait until my Mom comes to visit to make the curtains so she can help with that!  Here are some pictures of his little room!

All that's really left is the windows and the frames that will hang above the bed

The dresser colors match the wall and you can see the beginning of the bear collection

Yay for finished homemade bedding!!!  Now I'm a sewing junkie!

My how far we've come!


  1. I'm so so excited for you guys! And the nursery looks amazing! I'd love to see it in person some day. :-) I will continue praying for you and the birth parents.

  2. Hugs and lots of love! Can't wait to meet him.
