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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome Fall

Where did this month go?  :)  Once we got back from Colorado, it seems like the days just snuck by us.  Things have been pretty quiet this month and I suppose that's a nice thing.  I always look forward to summer, but it seems like we are always so busy in our attempts to cram something into every sunshine-filled day.  Fall brings thoughts of family holidays, festivals and comfort food.  I'm looking forward to hot chocolate and soup again!

We are wrapping up the application and health screening paperwork for Life Choice Ministries in Manhattan, KS.  If our application is approved, our profile will become one of the options they have to show birthparents when they are deciding on a family to adopt their child.  They have been such a pleasure to work with and I am hopeful that this has potential to be the avenue by which we find our little one.

We have been so blessed by the kind words and prayers of our friends and family.  It seems that just when things start to look bleak we get a little note or message that reminds us we are not alone in this journey and that there are lots and lots of people praying our baby home.  God bless and Happy Fall!

1 comment:

  1. You never cease to amaze me! I enjoy reading everything you post on here, and knowing that everytime is one step closer to you guys getting what you truely deserve! I am praying for you sister!! May God bless your lives with a bundle of joy at just the right time! You guys will make absolutely amazing parents! I love you Janell!
