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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some big news!

Now that everything is official and I have been on the job for almost three (very fast) weeks, I thought I should update the blog.  I am now the Volunteer & Events Manager at our Symphony!  How great is that?

This is such a great opportunity for me to blend so many areas that I love into my work and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity.  I have been busy meeting all of our amazing auxiliary volunteers and have my first event tomorrow!  No reason to wade in slowly, right?

We are still in the waiting stages of our adoption and continue to pray for the mother and child that will become a part of our lives someday.  In just a few months it will be necessary for us to update our homestudy if we have not yet been matched.  It feels like it was so long ago that we went through that process now.  I hope the renewal is easier than the original!  Yikes!  Surely there is a LITTLE bit less paperwork.

Brandon is steadily working away at his job and we are both looking forward to the return of warm weather.  I'm anxious to try gardening again for the second time.  He's looking forward to getting back on his bicycle.  We're both looking forward to weekends at the lake.  Here's to warm weather and the beginning of Daylight Savings Time!