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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Light Tour

This weekend we got to take in our annual tour of Christmas lights around the city.  This year however, instead of wandering aimlessly around the well-to-do neighborhoods, we found a website that did all the hard work for us!  It mapped out all the best displays and we only got about half of them conquered!  It was tons of fun driving around with our thermos of hot cocoa and singing with the Christmas music with our pals.  So many fun things to keep us entertained this time of year!

One of my personal favorites!  Everyone needs a Christmas pig!

Brandon and Eric were a little tired of waiting in line . . .  : )

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Meeting Minnie's Momma

The title of this post probably sounds more exciting than it really is since this is an adoption blog.  Sorry about that.  This post is in reference to a previous one about a tiny little opossum baby we found in the back yard earlier this year.

Last night the dogs were out back doing their thing while I was making brownies.  "Their thing" is barking at leaves blowing across the yard or whatever else strikes their fancy.  Usually it is Sammy that enjoys this pastime, but last night I knew something was different because it was Bianca raising all the commotion.  (Then up from the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my kitchen to see what was the matter - ha!)  What I found when I went out was that they had "fenced" baby's momma on our fence and really wanted her to come down.  She was big!  I tried to get a picture, but I was afraid of getting too close.  After Brandon got home we kept an eye on her and apparently she lives under the house behind us.  Looks like it's time to visit Operation Wildlife again!  I'm not taking this one this time!  He gets to deal with that excitement!