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Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

I received a newsletter today with this poem printed on the back cover.  I thought how appropriate it is as Brandon and I enter another year of waiting and hoping that this will be the one.  We continue to have hope and as long as we've got that, I'm convinced we will be okay.  Dum spiro, spero.

As I Wait by Sara DeLong
I see you, Little One, snuggled in my dreams,
Cooing and laughing at unseen things.
Dressed in your best, you light up a room,
And I pray, harder than ever, that you will be here soon.

I feel you, Sweet Child, lying in my arms,
Knowing you’re safe from unseen harm.
I smell you, and touch you, and try to keep you safe,
As you move so slowly, out of my dreamy embrace.

Sometimes you’re a boy and sometimes a girl,
No matter, to me you are my entire world.
I look at your prepared and empty baby room,
And beg for patience, knowing it will be filled soon.

Each time I dream of you I feel closer somehow,
To knowing that it one day will be true in His power.
It’s hard to let you go from that mind altering place,
And I pray that each night I will again see your face.

I am waiting and wishing and praying each day,
That you and your birthparents are following His way,
And in time you all will know that things will be fine,
When you choose to relinquish yourself to His time.

Know that every day I pray for you all,
Asking Him to give you guidance and peace through the turmoil.
This is a life-altering decision to make,
For your future, dear baby, is what is at stake.

As I wait for the call to inform us we’re chosen,
I pray for your parents’ hearts that I know will be broken.
They are choosing the path of your future and life,
And it is filling them with dread, despair, and with strife.

I don’t know who they are, or if you are here yet,
But my prayers still go up until we all have met.
My path has been chosen. I’m waiting for you.
My Lord and my Savior will always be true.

He knows the time and day and the moment we shall meet,
And fills my cup overflowing for then we will be complete.
So while I wait for you, Dear One, I ask one simple thing,
Rest peacefully in His arms, and listen to the angels sing.

Breathe in the Holy of Holies, for He is everything,
Joy, and life, and contentment, to us all things He brings.
Know that we are waiting for you to join us soon,
Where we can be a family and happiness will bloom.

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